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Major Initiatives


VISION: To foster a safe community where families and businesses thrive.

MISSION: To selflessly serve our community with honor and courage.

VALUES: Integrity, caring, excellence, teamwork 

Bias-Based Policing Policy


It is the policy of the Clay County Sheriff’s Office to protect the constitutional rights of all people, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical handicap or religion; and to treat each person with respect and dignity. While contacting persons in a variety of situations is not only routine, but also germane to law enforcement activities, this agency will not accept or tolerate bias-based policing.

CCSO deputy wearing a hat saluting

CEO Judson Sapp and Clay County Sheriff Michelle Cook

Judson Sapp hosts Clay County Sheriff Michelle Cook to discuss law enforcement issues. From the latest breaking news to cold cases, we answer the questions you have always wanted to ask. Tune in weekly!