Ricky Wright
Director of Administration and Business
Director Wright has more than 36 years of law enforcement experience and started his career with the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. He also worked for the Palatka Police Department. In 2000, he joined the Clay County Sheriff’s Office where he served as a detective and lieutenant in several areas within the agency. Director Wright was then promoted to chief of Special Operations and served as chief and director of Detention Administration.

David Barnes
Director of Patrol and Community Affairs
Director Barnes has more than 30 years of law enforcement experience. He has served in various leadership positions, including Patrol, Investigations, SWAT, Dive Team, and Administration. He is also a 20-year retiree from the Florida National Guard, where he served in various leadership positions. Director Barnes is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigations – National Academy, Session #261, and he has served as the Director of Services and Personnel and Professional Standards.

Wayne McKinney
Director of Investigations and Special Operations
Director McKinney started his law enforcement career with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office in 1999. He has been the Chief of Detectives, Chief of Special Operations, Chief of Support Services, and Chief of Training and Professional Oversight. He graduated from the FBI National Academy #285 in 2023. He is a Navy veteran and served as a leader on the Field Force Team, Honor Guard, and SWAT team. Director McKinney has served most of his career as a detective or detective supervisor in multiple investigative units, from Narcotics to Robbery Homicide.
Director McKinney also serves his community as a deacon with the First Baptist Church of Middleburg and has served on the board of directors for Quigley House, the domestic violence shelter serving Clay County.

Joseph Bucci
Director of Detention
Director Bucci has more than 20 years of law enforcement experience and began his career in law enforcement with the Green Cove Springs Police Department. In 2000, he joined the Clay County Sheriff’s Office. Director Bucci has a degree in criminal justice from Columbia College. He graduated from the FBI National Academy #249 in 2012. He volunteers in the high school ministry at church and is on the board of directors for Clay Electric Operation Round Up. Director Bucci’s previous assignments include Chief of Detectives, Patrol, Logistics, Human Resources, and Training and Professional Oversight.

Patrick Golemme
Director of School Safety and Youth Programs
Director Golemme has more than 33 years of law enforcement service, with 28 of those years with CCSO. He has experience in Patrol, Detectives, Traffic, School Resource, and Community Affairs. Director Golemme was the Crisis Negotiations Team Commander and the Critical Incident and Stress Management Team (CISM) leader. He has previously served as the Chief of Services, Chief of Detectives, Chief of Community Affairs, and Chief of Patrol.
Director Golemme earned a B.S. in Criminal Justice from Columbia Southern University, is a graduate of the 74th Class of the Southern Police Institute Command Officer Development Course, is a graduate of the Florida Sheriff’s Association Commander’s Course, Class VI, and has completed the FBI LEEDA Trilogy.
Director Golemme currently serves on the Board of Directors of J.P. Hall Children’s Charities and has also served on the boards of the Clay Education Foundation and the Northeast Florida Community Action Agency.

Scott Moreland
Chief of Special Operations
Chief Moreland has been with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office since 1998, where he began his career in Corrections. He has served in various leadership positions, including Patrol, Investigations, and Special Operations. Chief Moreland has served as the SWAT and Dive Commander for the agency. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Fairmont State College, and has completed several leadership courses, including the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy; Supervisor Leadership Institute, Command Leadership Institute, and Executive Leadership Institute.

Baylor Alexander
Chief of Patrol
Chief Alexander has more than 25 years of law enforcement experience. He has served in various leadership positions including Patrol, Investigations, Narcotics, and served 13 years on the SWAT team. ChiefAlexander is a graduate of the Southern Police Institute – 66th Command Officers Development Course.

Jeff Johnson
Chief of Services
Chief Johnson began serving in a public safety role in 1983, and he started his law enforcement career at the Baker County Sheriff’s Office. Johnson began his career with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office in 1996 and served on the SWAT Team for 12 years. He holds a master’s degree from Barry University.

Thomas Cotchaleovitch
Chief of Investigations
Chief Cotchaleovitch has more than 16 years of law enforcement experience. He served as deputy, detective, a supervisor in Patrol, Investigations, and most recently, as the lieutenant of Internal Affairs. Chief Cotchaleovitch was also a member of SWAT for 10 years.

William Arnold
Chief of Detention Security
Chief Arnold has been with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office since 2003. He has experience in all aspects of jail operations in both security and administration. Chief Arnold served as the commander of the Corrections Emergency Response Team. He has completed the International Association of Chiefs of Police – Leadership in Police Organization.

Larry Henry
Chief of Detention Administration
Chief Henry is a highly experienced law enforcement professional who has dedicated over two decades of his career to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office. During this time, he has assumed crucial leadership positions within various divisions, including the jail, courthouse, and civil unit. He has also shown himself as a mentor, security, and management leader.
Chief Henry has earned several notable achievements and certifications that highlight his commitment to professional development and expertise in the field. Some of his accomplishments include National Certified Corrections Executive (NCCE), the Elite Academy #1 hosted by the National Institute of Jail Operations (NIJO), National Jail Leadership Command Academy #34, and FBI-Leeda Trilogy. He is a certified CFA, FCAC, and FLA-TAC accreditation inspector and a certified FMJS inspector.
Chief Henry holds a degree from Vincennes University.

Domenic Paniccia
Chief of Community Affairs
Chief Paniccia is a proud United States Marine Corps veteran with more than 20 years of law enforcement experience. He has served in various roles and leadership positions in the Sheriff’s Office to include Patrol, Patrol Sergeant, Field Training Officer, Master Sergeant, OSS, OSS Sergeant, General Investigations, and Detective Sergeant of Investigations and the Robbery/ Homicide Unit. Paniccia was also a Watch Commander and Narcotics Unit Commander. He was a long time member of the Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard, where earned the title of Commander, and was also a member of the Crisis Negotiations Team. Currently, Paniccia is the President of the Humanitarian Fund. Paniccia has received numerous commendations throughout his career, most notable being the 2012 J.P. Hall Officer of the Year. In 2014, he was the recipient of a Law Enforcement Commendation Medal.
Paniccia has a degree from Vincennes University and has attended numerous leadership schools, with the most recent being the Florida Sheriff’s Association Commanders Academy (Class #11).

Jeremy Clark
Assistant Chief of School Safety and Youth Programs
Clark worked his way from deputy to detective to sergeant within seven years. Asst. Chief Clark has experience as a watch commander, narcotics/organized crime commander, robbery/homicide and special victim’s lieutenant, property crimes lieutenant, and task force commander. He has been the Acting Chief of Detectives and Assistant Chief of Patrol. Asst. Chief Clark has a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration from Columbia College and is a graduate of FDLE’s Executive Institute FLA Class #30 and the FBI’s LEEDA.
Clark was influential in developing and managing several legacy projects of the Sheriff’s Office, including the Domestic Violence Initiative, the Hammer and Hope Initiative, the Auto Theft Task Force, the HSI/ICAC Task Force, and the Co-Responder Clay Behavioral Rapid Response Program.
He resides in Green Cove Springs with his wife and daughter.

Tina Chatmon
Assistant Chief of Human Resources and Training
Assistant Chief Chatmon is a 25 -year veteran of the Clay County Sheriff’s Office, beginning her career in 1998 in the Communications Section. She then spent time in the Finance Division, the Detention Department and Judicial Section. Assistant Chief Chatmon successfully completed both the CJSTC Law enforcement crossover academy and Corrections academy becoming dual certified in 2005.
Asst. Chief Chatmon has served as a certified FCAC, FLA-TAC and CFA accreditation assessor. Asst. Chief Chatmon formerly served on the Florida Model Jail Standards (FMJS) Standards Review Subcommittee, Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission (FCAC) Standards Review Interpretation Committee and Quigley House Board of Directors. She is a graduate of the FDLE Senior Leadership program Class 21, FDLE Executive Leadership program Class 10, IACP Women’s Leadership Institute, FSA Commanders Academy Class 10, Leadership Clay class of 2019 and an FBI-LEEDA trilogy recipient. Assistant Chief Chatmon has obtained her certification in Human Resources management.

Stacy Wase
Assistant Chief of Records and Supply
Assistant Chief Wase has been with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office for more than 14 years. She began her career in the Training Unit and has spent the past 12 years with the Information Technology Section where she has served as a technician, server administrator, supervisor and manager.
Asst. Chief Wase has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of North Florida and has completed the FBI-LEEDA Leadership Institute as well as the IACP Women’s Leadership Institute.

Ashley Barber
Assistant Chief of Communications
Asst. Chief Barber earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Vincennes University in Homeland Security and Public Safety and has completed the FBI-LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute, the Executive Leadership Institute as well and the IACP Women’s Leadership Institute.

Michael Connors
Assistant Chief of Patrol
Assistant Chief Connors has been with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office since 2006, where he began his career in Patrol. He has served as a Patrol Deputy, Property Crimes Detective, Robbery/Homicide Detective, Patrol Sergeant, Detective Sergeant, Watch Commander, and most recently, as the Robbery/Homicide Lieutenant. Assistant Chief Connors has attended numerous leadership classes including FBI-Leeda, Managing the Detective Unit, Burden of Command, and Leadership Clay Chamber. In 2009, he was the recipient of the J.P. Hall Officer of the Year.