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F039 LETF Request for Funding

The Clay County Sheriff’s Office is not just a law enforcement agency. It is also an organization that operates as a business, requiring proper fiscal management and accounting of taxpayer dollars. Vicki Adams serves as the agency’s executive financial officer. Annual fiscal audits help government entities like the sheriff’s office provide proof of solvent accounting standards and financial health, as well as maintaining good internal record-keeping protocols.

It is a tremendous responsibility to ensure all agency funds are properly spent and accounted for throughout the year, but the dedicated members of the Finance Division perform an excellent job with that task.

Through our agency’s Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF),  local charities and not-for-profits can request funding. Donations are funded by seized and forfeited monies from criminal cases worked by our agency in accordance with the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act and are typically awarded to organizations whose mission supplements our agency’s overall crime prevention and/or social services goals. In accordance with Florida Statute 932.7055, CCSO has the sole discretion to determine which program(s) will receive the designated proceeds and donations. Amounts vary depending on the amount of funding available in the LETF each year. For more information on the request process, please contact the Finance Division via email at and review/complete the form below.

Law Enforcement Trust Fund Request for Funding



In addition to the county-appropriated funds, the sheriff’s office has various special revenue funds from specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. The agency’s special revenue funds consist mainly of state and federal grants awarded to the sheriff’s office throughout the year. Our members are responsible for the review of grant opportunities, application submissions, and grant management. 

Clay County Sheriff’s Office PurchasingPurchasing

Our staff processes more than $4 million worth of purchase orders for products or services annually. These members seek to obtain a quality product for the best price by researching prices and assisting other departments in obtaining quotes with the goal of fiscal accountability for all taxpayer dollars spent.

If you are interested in doing business with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office, go to our Purchasing page for more information. 

The following links may be of interest to current and former CCSO employees:

CEO Judson Sapp and Clay County Sheriff Michelle Cook

Judson Sapp hosts Clay County Sheriff Michelle Cook to discuss law enforcement issues. From the latest breaking news to cold cases, we answer the questions you have always wanted to ask. Tune in weekly!