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You can request the services of a deputy with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office in an off-duty capacity. Off-duty deputies are allowed to engage in secondary employment via a permitting process within the agency. This privilege is extended to deputies in good standing after the request is reviewed and approved by the sheriff’s office.

If you have any questions regarding hiring an off-duty deputy, please email the secondary employment coordinator of the sheriff’s office at

Extra duty employment is employment performed for an outside employer beyond normal duty and requires law enforcement authority. It includes, but is not limited to, such jobs and activities as security, security residences, construction sites, movie production sites and athletic and sporting events. All hours worked under extra duty employment are subject to administrative fees.



How much does it cost?

  • 3 hour minimum
  • Deputy – $50 per hour
  • Supervisor – $54 per hour
  • Administrative and Equipment Usage Fee – $5 per deputy or supervisor hour

Is there a Scheduling Fee?


Each job requires a scheduler. The scheduler will be designated in the contract, and the fee will be established based on the total hours scheduled and the type of job. If the scheduler is a deputy, the deputy will be paid directly. If scheduled by the Clay County Sheriff’s Office, the scheduling fee will be billed with the administrative and equipment usage fee and paid directly to the office. Working off-duty is voluntary and not mandatory.

How do I pay the deputy or supervisor?


Deputies and supervisors may be paid the hourly rate via cash, check, or money order. The $5 hourly administrative and equipment usage fee (per deputy or supervisor) shall be paid to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office by separate check or money order, made payable to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.

Payment will be made after receiving a bill from the Clay County Sheriff’s Office. Do not pay the deputy or supervisor the administrative and equipment usage fee.

How many deputies are needed?


Staffing levels will be determined by the secondary employment coordinator of the sheriff’s office, based on the situation. If alcohol is served, a minimum of two deputies is required.

Can I cancel?


Cancellations may be made at any time, however, if the cancellation is made with less than a 24 hour notice to the deputy, supervisor or secondary employment coordinator, a minimum of three hours salary and administrative and equipment fee will be incurred by the requesting party.

*The Clay County Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to refuse or discontinue off-duty services that are deemed to be in conflict with the best interest of the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of Clay County.

If you’d like to hire one of our deputies, please complete the forms below and email to