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The Detention Department, led by Director Joe Bucci, takes pride in the success it has experienced with Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission (FCAC) and Florida Model Jail Standards (FMJS) inspections. The department staff has a long record of excellence. The Clay County Jail (490 beds) has full accommodations for inmates and provides basic necessities during their incarceration. There is also a fully-staffed Jail Medical Unit managed by a registered nurse with a physician and a psychiatrist on staff.

The Detention Administration Division and the Detention Security Division fall under the Detention Department. Those divisions are made up in part of the Judicial Security Section, Medical Services Section, and Detention Administration Section. These areas are led by Chief of Detention Security William Arnold and Chief of Detention Administration Larry Henry. 

Portrait of William Arnold with a flag
Chief of Detention Security William Arnold
Chief of Detention Administration Larry Henry

Inmates have access to phone, video visitation, commissary, inmate programs, exercise and library privileges. Sworn and civilian personnel help manage the daily operations of the jail.

To learn more about visiting an inmate, click here 

Clay County Jail – (904) 529-5905