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Our agency has been recommended to be reaccredited with the Excelsior Status by the assessment team for the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA). This is a huge accomplishment and should make the citizens of Clay County proud of the exceptionally high standards in which sheriff’s office is operating. The agency underwent a thorough review on July 14th, 15th, and 16th comprised of a three-member assessment team, led by Assistant Chief Matthew Fletcher of the Naples Police Department. The team ensured compliance with 260 Florida law enforcement standards. Of the 260 standards, CCSO was found to be in compliance with all mandatory and applicable non-mandatory standards. The assessors commended CCSO members for their knowledge, professionalism and enthusiasm. The assessment team commented that the CCSO had a staff to be proud of. The assessment team will take their recommendation to the full commission in October.


CEO Judson Sapp and Clay County Sheriff Michelle Cook

Judson Sapp hosts Clay County Sheriff Michelle Cook to discuss law enforcement issues. From the latest breaking news to cold cases, we answer the questions you have always wanted to ask. Tune in weekly!